Yep I'm back. Just got a rocking cool app to write my posts on my phone (trying to go semi computer less in life) and this is my first post from my phone. So today, I'm writing about debate (someone asked for it not sure who. :P) and basically what it is. From winning, to losing. I have done plenty of both, but unfortunately more of the later... Then again, without lose how can I expect to make myself better at debate? Loses tell us where we need to change, be that in debate, sports, or just life in general. Sometimes God isn't looking to put you on the #1 position. And it's not a bad thing. I have to tread lightly here, and not go too far down this rabbit trail. Basically, God will turn our loses into victories. It's promised in His word.
Romans 8:28
King James Version (KJV)
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."
Your responsibility is to trust in HIM though. Not in what other people say.
Back to debate. I kinda have to give a shout out to a buddy here he deserves it as he just won a tournament CJ! Go my man! Woot woot! Funny guy. :)
Yeah so debate (for people who have not been to a tournament) consists of two main types. LD (Lincon Douglas) and TP (Team policy). LD is a one on one debate that mainly has topics or resolutions based in philosophy. For example, one year in LD you may have a resolution that is "Freedom is more valuable then justice" and each speaker must take a position. The affirmative speaker is to affirm the resolution and prove why it's true, and the negative speaker is to negate the resolution and whatever the affirmative speaker may say. TP is much the same except it consists of two teams of two speakers and the resolutions tend to have action. Example "The US federal government should reform its justice policy" this resolution calls for action by the affirmative team, meaning they must try to change the status quo through a plan, and the negative team is to show the judge why it's bad to cot affirmative. You get the idea.
The challenging part is knowing how to win the round without compromising your values. Lets say the affirmative team in a TP round had the above resolution and the plan they made based off the resolution was to revoke Row VS Wade? O.O snap! Try telling a Christian, homeschooling, conservative mom or dad that abortion is good. It won't work. But! Tell them that by revoking it, they are removing our freedom of choice and to do what we want with our bodies, and that as a result of the affirmative plan we have set a president for a future leader to say "Hmmm... Christianity is bad lets ban it!" and stop all Bibles from being printed or distributed and you may just win the round. Why? Because its an angle most people wouldn't think to look at. As a debater our job is too look at the best possible case that is most likely to win the round and figure out the flaws in that perfect plan. It's challenging, but the reward is worth it.
Comment with what you want to see me blog about next!